Saturday, July 11, 2009

Biological Past

I had something deep and wonderful to say.

I lost it.

I am classist and egregious at times. I have a thing about being from the hood. I was born to be a hood rat, some ghetto broad, some horrible girl. I'm sure of it. I was adopted and saved from a certain damnation. Is that wrong of me to equate living in the projects/hood/ghetto with failure?

I should be trying to understand and help my people. I'm only 22. Can't I have a certain disdain?? Was it taught me? Perhaps subconsciously. I always boast of reading Jane Austen, Edgar Allen Poe, Edith Wharton, Shakespeare, and of the like for fun. Is it because I'm trying to distance my self from my biological past?

But what is my biological past? Currently it's from being born to an alleged drug addicted mother. But I KNOW it is so much more than that. I feel the essence of royalty in my veins. How could I be anything less.

Schlepping in the slums of his world, her world, their world will not complete me. I want to schlep in my world. And schlepping is for fools.

Everyone is disdainful. I don't disdain the actual people. I disdain the lifestyle and circumstances that put us there. I disdain and dislike the eagerness of some to perpetuate a false reality. Your reality is not my reality. I am more. You are more.

Rise up my people. Because I am rising. I don't want to falter because my backbone is curved. My foundation is you and you are my foundation.

I loathe the world we live today. I am a lady, a duchess, a queen, an empress, I'm the stars beyond the galaxy.

Ok so while this turned into an impromptu poem .. I think it details my overarching feelings.

Any questions?

-- Copyrighted. It belongs to me and the Universe.