Saturday, July 11, 2009


Ok thanks for viewing my blog.

Just in case you're wondering I did not get a sudden inspiration and popped these out within the last 2 hours.

2 were written today.
-Apple Green & Liliac's

The others were written at random times between the months of Jan-May.

To understand the title: "Story of the Hour" visit my other blog and view my original entry.

I'm a big Kate Chopin fan. I adore Jane Austen. I also love quotes. I also like the dictionary and thesaurus.

I'm in the process of writing a novel or a series of short stories.

I finished my first short screen play (58 pages) however I might make it a feature length. That depends on my dedication.

I'm a poet... I'm a lyricist. I'm a writer. I'm a thinker. My creative juices are flowing constantly. My mind is a web of desire of knowledge.

Don't try to steal my ideas/quotes/written words. I have a lawyer and I will sue. :)

Also, feel free to comment. In the words of E.Badu "I'm a Artist and I'm Sensitive about my Shit" but... feel free to engage me so I can expand my mental capacity.